Success Stories
What Soul Authority Clients & Students Say:
"Validated my truth" " Unique methods" "Profound healing of scary issues"
"Magical synchronicities" "Empowering tools for life" "Major life-changing impact"
"Best health investment" "Mindblowing shifts in myself"
"Deep transformation of old patterns" "Comprehensive skillset"

"The course was mind-blowing and paradigm-blowing and wonderful. It felt like putting my feet into a vast ocean. The learning and connecting with the elements helped me to move from what seemed in my head like a conflict of options into a more expansive and calm inner landscape that allowed wisdom, guidance, and clarity to emerge."
Lynn Hutchison, MS, CPSS, Momentum Coach
"Loraine is the real deal, a one-of-a-kind, true healer. She is immensely gifted and overall just radiates with caring energy. To say that she has saved my life in many ways is an understatement. As she would say, she helped me tap into my own abilities to not only save myself but move in energetic upward shifts toward positivity, power, peace and happiness, fulfillment in life, work and all relationships in ways that I could never have imagined."

Xiao Lin, MS, Writer, Editor, Publicist
"I was able to connect with each of the elements, and it was amazing how cleansing, transformative, and powerful each meditation was to break up past densities, thick thought patterns, and to allow fresh, new, expansive, and fun energy back into my life."

Teresa Shen, LAC, Master of Chinese Medicine, CEO/Lead Physician, Eastern Medical Center
"As I reflected on the jobs I've had, I realized that I have gotten every job I wanted since completing my social work degree; and these have been very competitive jobs. Loraine has been the thread across time, helping me weave my dreams into reality. Words feel inadequate in moments like this, where my gratitude is deep, abundant and transcendent. Because that is a reflection of how she works: her gift is to connect so deeply with the soul that language waits in reverence as the spirit mends and unfolds to create new stories filled with possibility."

Veronica Garcia, LCSW, Social Worker

Whitney Roeder, BA, Ethnic Studies
"Soul authority tools helped me to prepare for job interviews that I was really anxious about. During my last few interviews, even the most tight-lipped, judgy interviewers hardly threw me off while in the past people like that would completely fluster me in such a stressful situation. I could retreat and ground, remain in my power, be authentic, and remember that being my true self is what will be the most valuable for my success in the long run and will bring to me opportunities where I am valued and seen for me. As a result, I was on the short list for three of my top choices and just accepted an offer that I'm happy with."
"It's not easy saying NO when you're a people pleaser – I almost caved in this particular moment like I historically have done, but instead of giving in directly (because of my usual spiral of guilt, shame, and fear I feel when I say NO), I stopped first to ask my guides for support. Of course, they had my back. They were all shaking their heads shouting at me: "No! Don't give in here, we got you!" And although I did spiral into those feelings of guilt and fear afterwards, I gave myself some space in my home office and watched the sun go down while doing a tapping exercise until the worst of the churn in my stomach had subsided. My partner tested me a few more times, but I held fast. And I didn't go to bed feeling guilty or ashamed. That is freaking unbelievable – a far cry from my usual response."
Sarah Ginnan, Marketing and Copywriter
"I feel stronger, more grounded, more compassionate, more in touch with my passion, and more gentle with myself as a result of working with Loraine. She has been a very powerful mentor and has really guided me in a way that has kept me true to myself and my higher self as well as my place in the spirit of the world. I feel as though I have struggled so much with emotion, spirituality, and my path for so long, but after starting to meet with her, the struggle turned into amazing movement and growth. I love that her work is about strengthening me so that I can continue to strengthen, develop, integrate, fall gracefully, and be compassionate to myself on my own. That is the most POWERFUL gift."

Anne Lowe, MSW, Social Work Instructor, Psychotherapist

LaViza Fuentes, Master's Student in Counseling Psychology
"I felt very supported by all the wonderful women in this group. This was the first time I opened up so much to a group of people I initially did not know, so at first it was challenging but their compassion allowed me to embrace the experience and grow enormously through the experience. I've always wanted to connect more with others but it wasn't until I experienced this type of vulnerability that I realized how important connection is to my growth. This course also gave me great insights into what I would like to work on in my future relationships."
"As a Program Manager of our Tribal Home Visiting Program at the Native American Health Center, I searched hard to find different trainings and workshops to help my staff sustain themselves in the very complex and difficult work that supported some of our most vulnerable community members. Loraine facilitated a way for participants to connect to the deeper reason and purpose for their work. The kind of insight she helped participants engage in went far beyond ‘washing off’ after a tough day at work—participants began to fill their inner well of resources and maintain its on-going use in their work and lives."

Anne Lowe, MSW, Social Work Instructor, Psychotherapist
"Loraine is an absolutely amazing individual and healer. I have been taking workshops and classes with her for the last few years, and from the moment I met her have been deeply impressed by her wisdom and brilliance. She is plugged into the world of spirit and energy in a way that very few people are, and has a deep understanding of the nature of reality and how to utilize that understanding and knowledge in her work with others. She is a true wise woman and anyone working with her will certainly be transformed by her presence alone. She brings to the table a deep knowledge of what is called for in the moment and will be indispensable help to anyone working with her."

Sasha Blum, PhD, Psychologist, UC Berkeley Counseling and Psychological Services
"Every week, a psychotherapist who works with our students in the community visits with our postdoctoral training group and shares their techniques and trade secrets. The postdocs were blown away by Loraine Van Tuyl’s presentation because she offered them such a new and refreshing perspective. They were particularly impressed by her integration of spiritual practices and wisdom into her therapeutic work with clients, and it has vastly expanded their perspective on the potential of their future work as clinicians."

Mia de Luca, PhD, Professor of Anthropology
"Connecting to my tree guide in my sanctuary has now become a daily practice. Not only does it help ground me, but it reminds me of who I am and what my purpose is here on Earth. I use it in moments of uncertainty, to tackle anxiety, and even to drift into sleep. Even in the depths of a panic attack, finding myself in this sanctuary—with my tree and my guides—allows for a reset. Going into this sanctuary always helps me plug my energy back into a universal source."

Margaret Delph, Warehouse General Manager
“Each topic builds as the program progressed. I didn't feel like this was a classroom, but more of a journey. I couldn't wait until the next meeting or meditation to learn more. I felt like I belonged and no question was off limits. Seeing and hearing other people's journey helped me in mine. I appreciated learning how the elements help you to ground in a way that organizes your energy, as well as being able to disperse whatever is not mine. I was open to learning from spirit guides and allowed nature and my spirit guides do the work of clearing space for more love and healing. It doesn't always have to be a fight or struggle. These lessons and tools help us evolve, shift, transform, and heal as we live our life. We can use these skills to get more insight about ourselves in ANY situation that comes up. This class doesn't have an ending."

Margaret Delph, Warehouse General Manager
"I have never felt as settled or at peace as I have since I have experienced this course. Right after it ended, guilt and fury related to an abusive marriage that ended 17 years ago were for the first time not there and I could support my adult son who’s still struggling with what happened. Now four months later, I still enter my sanctuary and learn from my guides each time I meditate and the old story of abuse is no longer my story. I’m completely free of it (never meditated or worked with guides before taking this 10-week Soul Authority course). Update: This is still true 4 years later. I'll be forever grateful."

Jessica Vechakul, PhD, Mechanical Engineering, LMFT, Psychotherapist and Spiritual Counselor
"My sanctuary allows me to connect to my inner wisdom and trust my intuition. My sacred tree helps me to stay grounded and rooted while also connected to the ethereal and cosmos. This has helped me to take in lessons from nature about cycles, resilience, and equanimity. Most importantly, it has given me the courage and conviction to change career paths and follow my calling. As a social justice advocate and mental health counselor, fighting against social inequities and supporting people in healing is incredibly meaningful, but it can be challenging at times. Loraine’s Soul Authority model helps me stay grounded and centered with strong boundaries so I can be more effective and also take care of myself."

Alyssa Newman, Responsible Minerals and Community Program manager, Film Producer and Director, and Board Member of Renewable Energy and Social Justice Nonprofits
"Cultivating a vibrant tree sanctuary with spirit guides and ancestors has helped me to navigate some significant life changes with clarity, grace, and peace, including a very tumultuous romantic relationship and difficult patterns with family members. I also got clearer on my soul authority, purpose, and understanding of power, thanks to my tree and animal guides. I feel even more in my integrity and in greater service to myself and the global community."

Julie Suzanne Brokken, Artist, Poeta, Photographer
"Loraine brings an extraordinary intelligence and spirit with a mastery informed by her personal and professional experience, her vision, and her intuitive knowing. I felt the deep love, understanding, and generosity of spirit that motivates everything she brings. One of the most profound learnings I received was that spirit guides are aspects of myself. I am learning to embrace them as such in increasingly concrete and visceral ways. Having a teaching background myself, I can say that the course was designed and structured masterfully. A good balance of live, solo, and group."

Trisha Barua, PhD, Cultural Studies, Intersectional Reiki
"Loraine Van Tuyl is a gifted healer whose teachings are vital for moving from chaos to clarity on both personal and systemic levels. Despite being capable and confident, I had reached emotional dead ends while striving for success and wasn’t personally or professionally fulfilled. Loraine has guided me through a healing journey in which I’ve learned to trust and follow my intuition over my ego, uncover my soul’s purpose, and move through the world with more bravery to take risks."

Kate Vogt, Yogic philosophy Teacher and Author of Mala of the Heart -108 Sacred Poems
"Loraine Van Tuyl is a drummer on a dense trail clearing the way for others to safely follow with courage and relief. What she shared in the live sessions - whether to the group or individually - was beautifully insightful, gentle, and helpful. I appreciated the multidimensional learning support and ways to digest and integrate the teachings."

- Audrey Cohen, LSW, Social Worker
"When I came to see Loraine, I was often really exhausted all the time. I had headaches, sometimes migraines, dizziness, stomach and digestive pain and food sensitivities (irritable bowel syndrome), chronic bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections, and chronic pelvic pain. I kept having medical tests done, and nothing physical was showing up that Western doctors could figure out how to treat. It was really painful to be in my body. I couldn’t do breathing meditations because even my breath felt painful, but no medical cause or relationship. Now I would say almost all of those things are gone. Occasional dizziness or headaches when I overdo it, but now I know it’s my body telling me a baby that wakes me up at night. I would say symptoms sometimes emerge more as red flags or indicators that something is imbalanced, but also my feeling about them is so different. I now am like, oops, I’m off balance—body, thank you for the reminder to ground, rest, relax, and reconnect with myself."

- Adrienne Robinson, Nutrition Coach
"Loraine is so skilled at actively listening, synthesizing, and providing deep wisdom to her clients. She is highly intuitive and is always so on point with her guidance. Her teaching style is truly her own, guided by her spirits and her intuitive wisdom. I loved the way this series was organized, especially the fact that we have access to the materials, discussions, and participants beyond the program's end date.The visioning and meditation exercises are unique, powerful, and memorable. I find it helpful to refer back to them from time to time to see how my experience differs as my life's path shifts. I loved having a group of women to hold space with and to get real with. The sharing of individual experiences was healing for all. I loved all of it. As previously mentioned, the online group was so well organized. I really enjoyed the opportunity to be in the hot seat - I took a huge leap in my personal life and felt buoyed by this circle of sistars. Everyone was so present and supportive. Because I was able to be so vulnerable 1 on 1 and within the group, I worked through a long-standing communication issue with my partner and it has had a lasting, positive impact."

- Sarah Ginnan, Marketing and Copywriter
"With the help of the elements, and in particular water, I can cry again without getting splitting headaches. Before, I was so emotionally backed up that every time I emoted with tears, I got a migraine. Now, I can cry freely! And this month, the hormonal wave broke so gently upon me, it was like a quiet song being hummed to me from far away and getting closer and closer with each day. No flu-like symptoms, no crashing depression. I am in total awe that such powerful body changes can occur alongside such deep internal healing work!"

- Denise Colby, PhD, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner, Yoga instructor, Founder - Integrated Wellness
"Loraine has given me the tools and vision that I need to make my life happy and balanced – which is the greatest gift one could ask for."
Interested in working 1-1? The most effective way in getting clear how I can be of help is to schedule a Soul Strategy Session with me. During your free comprehensive soul strategy call, we'll decide on a plan of action and concrete steps based on your unique needs.
My suggestions could include downloadable freebies, books, my introductory or premium online course, or working with me 1-1. Virtual (only), laser-focused 60-minute and 90-minute sessions with me are $300 and $400 each. I work with people from all genders, spiritual, ethnic, and racial backgrounds who identify as empathic, highly sensitive, twice exceptional or gifted, or are interested in my methods. I do see CAL students with Wellfleet insurance.
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